Thursday, August 7, 2008

Six Months

Just six months ago, my life dramatically changed as Carter was ushered into this world and into my arms. Six short months have passed, seeming like a blink filled with changes, challenges, and beautiful discoveries. In six months, I have discovered that being a mother is more wonderful than I could have possibly imagined. Six months is just a blip on the radar in the grand scheme of life. But, oh, how wonderful these six months have been!


April said...

How precious. Your words and that adorable baby boy. Precious.

Cindy said...

It has gone by quickly, hasn't it? It's amazing all the new things you're consumed with in each new stage of their lives, and then you quickly move on to another! Glad you're enjoying the ride. You're a fabulous mother!

Sara said...

It certainly goes by fast! These are the golden days when there is no talking back and limited mobility. I love it! I see Carter has found his feet..they make for hours of entertainment.